Sunday, December 14, 2008

The dawn of the doodlebong Part 1

"Let's get out of here," Ulibak called out to Auwid.
"I AM not waking up if u want to play another round of Dabblewobble! Even if the sky is still dark."
"But its not going to stay black!" the Bakuli danced around the room. "I KNOW these things, remember?"

Auwid sighed.

She knew better than to argue with a sleep-deprived Uli. Besides, the annoying truth was, Uli's cape gave 'herald of holidays' status. And if she said it wasn't going to be a black day, it probably wasn't. So, she opened an eye and sleepily tried to figure out what colour the cape was that day. And couldn't decide.

She noticed Uli looked a little dumbfounded as well. Sure, sometimes the cape took a while to decide its mood for the day, but this was weird. It wasn't that she'd never seen the colour, just that she'd never seen the cape turn that colour till then. In fact, she didn't even know the cape did swirls. These were a mixture of purple and white. Weird, but pretty.

"Wonder what it's going to be today..." Uli thot, and instantly felt Miritri pick up on her thought.
Even though the doctor had started speaking aloud now, her telepathic ability was still useful.
"You awake? Good, there's something you need to see."

Miritri got there before Auwid and Uli could finish what had eventually become an argument on what it could mean. Purple usually involved creation, since the land of the Sibuk was basically shades of purple (Much like Aurria; except that she was bronze in parts as well), but they had no idea what this meant. This was weird.

She giggled as soon as she entered.

"Uli, you look ridiculous. U know better than to go purple! That's my colour," she flicked back a lock of purple hair."Plus, what's with the swirly thingies?"

"Thanx guys, now I know I'm friends with the two of you. You're honest, and I'm shamelessly unaware about colours," came the retort.

"Great! Now she's going to cry!" Auwid muttered, ignoring Uli sticking her tongue out at her.

Eventually, after much bickering, they decided to have some fun while waiting for whatever was going to happen. So, naturally, it HAD to be a picnic!

(Pic property of bloodkitty at I'm just borrowing it to make my blog look pretty :D)

1 comment:

camp_site said...

YOU are a gifted creative writer